Saturday, June 20, 2009


In honor of White Castle's 88th birthday, they are giving away free sliders. One to a customer per visit.

Click the link to obtain your coupon. FREE WHITE CASTLE SLIDER

The coupon expires July 12, 2009. Happy birthday White Castle!

Bon appetite!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Do You Procrastinate?

Do you often start something and leave it unfinished? I know I am guilty of this. I always seem to have all of these "great" ideas swarming around in my head, but I have yet to implement them, or even to get some of them written down on paper. The next thing you know, its afternoon and I am still left with unfinished business. I need a plan... and a lot of organization!
Fortunately, I found I am not alone. Visit Spark an Idea Thursday and get some great tips on how to get some motivation during these sluggish days of summer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Schools Out, Schools Out!

I look forward to the slower pace of summer. No more 6:00 a.m. alarm (unless I chose to,) no more racing to make coffee so I can speak intelligibly when the kids ask questions.

They do ask questions…a lot. They do talk… a lot. My coffee helps…a lot.

I even get a few quiet minutes to stretch my creaky body in bed and “collect my thoughts” as I like to explain to my hubby, unless of course I get mauled by a 70 pound lab with a bladder issue. Oh well, at least I still get my morning kisses – Yuck.

Then its “on with the show” as usual. Let the dog out, let the dog in, feed the dog, (Oh no, where’s my coffee?)

Hopefully the kitchen isn’t too much of a disaster since we have 2 ravenous teenage boys who enjoy their main meal at midnight consisting of – everything in the house. After the kitchen sweep, time to check my e-mail and phone messages.

Right about this time, my almost 12-year-old daughter is up, trying to plan her social life for the day. At this age, she is not content unless she is at a friend’s, with a friend, or a friend is here. (Yeah, we bailed on the idea of her having a sister) Her friendship train starts as soon as her feet hit the floor. She seems to think her day is not complete unless it involves a sleepover. “But mom, it’s summer, why can’t I sleep over, why can’t Susie Q sleep over again!” I guess she hasn’t realized that the adults work year round, not just during the school year. She also hasn’t realized that she requires about 10 hours of sleep each night, which a nightly sleepover will not provide. She also doesn’t realize that she can’t “Because I said so!” (see Mom song post below).

Meanwhile, the two boys are still sleeping peacefully, and we don’t expect them up for quite some time.

She is acting more like a teenager every day… eye rolling, it isn’t fair, your mean, etc. I guess it was only a matter of time before the three hormonal teens worked together in their plight for summer freedom.

I love them all, even when they try to outsmart me. I just need to stay one step ahead of them.

So much for the relaxing pace of summer!

Coffee helps… a lot!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"The Mom Song

As I was telling my own son to "brush your teeth, be polite, put your clothes away" I received this hilarious and awesome video from a friend called "The Mom Song".

This was originally performed by comedienne Anita Renfro. This version is performed by Patti Harshey from the Northland Church.

Wow, she really nails it! Enjoy.